Here is #mymakenine2019

Your 2019 goals project grids have been so knitspirational to me! Here is #mymakenine2019 and I am ridiculously excited to get started as I have yarn for all the project (many times over). I want to be wearing/using the hats, BLANKETS, bag, mitts, and summer tops ASAP! #zombiegoalalong2019 #Ravelry #knitspiration #knitstagram . .. 1. #TophHat by @woolywormhead 3. #langfieldhat by @strickmich 3. #yipYips by @carissabrowning 4. #Lycka by @thedrizzleofhoney 5. #MidSummerAran by @ginevraknits 6. #mishigamipullover 7. #northeasterlyblanket by @skeinanigans 8. #HueShiftBlanket 9. #peaceableMitts by @eheusserdesigns