Knitfluencer I love.....RAVELRY! 💞💞💞

#fiberuarychallenge Day 14: Knitfluencer I love.....RAVELRY! 💞💞💞@hi.ravelry is the original and ultimate knitspiration for me. I would never have continued knitting if Ravelry hadn't brought yarn, patterns, and community to me via the Internet 10 years ago. I am so inspired every day as I check out new pattern highlights, the hot right now, and project pages of friends. . ..Thank you Ravelry! 🤜💞🤛 Today I am dreaming of knitting a #kapselcardigan and every.single.sweater in #seamlessknitsweatersin2weeks #knitLove #Ravelry #fiberuary #knitLove #knitapirational #knitInspired