#ZK2019 could be described by the schedule of events:

#ZK2019 could be described by the schedule of events: classes, swaps, sharing meals, 5K, painting, prize drawings, an inspiring presentation from @creativececi, shopping at the market, and stitching and chatting throughout. But ZK is really all about sharing 4 fabulous days with this group of kind, creative and talented fiber arts enthusiasts in #RochesterMN! .♥️.♥️.♥️. Thank you to all who came to #ZK2019 from near and far. I hope you left with your cup overflowing with happiness and joy! 😁💞🤗 #myheartisfull #imnotcrying #yourecrying #fiberfamilyreunion #knittingandcrochet #knittersofInstagram #knittersarethebestpeople #knittingRetreat http://bit.ly/2WYwRqo