Sometimes you save yarn for sentimental reasons...

• Sometimes you save yarn for sentimental reasons, because it holds precious memories of a person or place. • And sometimes yarn sits in your stash for a good long bit waiting for the perfect project. • And in this case, it is both reasons. 💞🧶I love this Targhee worsted base from @cyborgscraftroom, and it is the perfect yarn for the #SoundtrackTop by @elizabethsmithknits with its fabulous texture and the playful combination of colors. • I think about Maegan often, and miss her so very much. I wish I had more of her gorgeously dyed yarn, but will savor every moment knitting and wearing these skeins. • #missingMaegan #knitLove #knittingToRemember #knitloverepeat #yarnSwoon #knittingLove #knitstagram #sweaterKnitting #knittersofinstagram