Dreaming and scheming of my New Years cast-ons while working away on Sleeve 4 (of 6) on #sleeveIsland ๐️

Dreaming and scheming of my New Years cast-ons while working away on Sleeve 4 (of 6) on #sleeveIsland ๐️ . So excited about these amazing knitting books and projects, and honored to call the authors my friends! ๐#ColorworkBible by @knitty_jo #CrossroadsMittens to give double knitting a try! ๐#KnitHappyWithSelfStripingYarn by @tellybeanknits gorgeous #BrightAxisTee with ๐งถ@knitterly_things #selfstripingyarn . #knitspiration #colorworkbiblekal #tryingNewThings #zk2021kal #newyearsCastOn #ilovecolor #myDailyKnitting365 #knitstagram https://instagr.am/p/CJW9aBbJ6Xr/