I decided on the 1999 Sweater for my January use it or lose yarn. Loving the lace with this color and the rustic, bouncy 3ply base!

After many pattern searchs and tons of fabulous suggestions (thank you!), I decided on the 1999 Sweater for my January use it or lose yarn. Loving the lace with this color and the rustic, bouncy 3ply base! . 🧶💛Yarn is Kimmet Croft Fiber Worsted 3ply 100% Merino/Cheviot from #ShepherdsHarvest many years ago. . ➿Pattern is #1999sweater by @tincanknits #MadColourBook . #wip #stirTheStash #yarnSwoon #stashLove #knitspiration #myDailyKnitting365 #sweaterweather #zk2021teamplanes https://instagr.am/p/CJ7L9dDpGHl/