Day 3 of #fiberuaryChallenge: this day last year.....was very different in so many ways, but also very similar.
Day 3 of #fiberuaryChallenge: this day last year.....was very different in so many ways, but also very similar. I had just finished the Partying It UP and Getting Down socks (left) and was wrapping up the Ready Up socks design (right) for the #LotsOfSocksKAL. I am still knitting and designing socks, and have an everlasting love of chevrons and handknit socks! 💞🧦 . #fiberuaryChallenge2021 #fiberuaryChallengeZKN #partyingitupandgettingdownsocks #readyUpSocks #thisDayLastYear #dailyKnitSocks #handknitsocks #strikkesokker #myDailyKnitting365